The action is set in the future, somewhere between 204_ and 209_. We follow Robert, Robert and Robert, three Québéclonauts on their journey in hyperspace, travelling from their international space launching pad in Sutton in the Eastern Townships to the outer reaches of the galaxy. In this mysterious universe where computers and automatic pilots are more expressive than humans, we observe their daily lives and their research. Among other things, they discover a form of extraterrestrial life: a kind of slimy bacteria that wiggles its way into the brain, making those who get infected speak in poetic verse.
Futur intérieur is an object theatre performance, filled with soft and luminous materials. It takes the audience to a unique universe where traditional theatre conventions are turned on their heads. Welcome on a journey to outer space, both the one we know through movie clips and science-fiction novels and the one we hold in our collective imagination that comes from literature and poetry.
A Théâtre de la Pire Espèce production in collaboration with Bob Théâtre (France) and Théâtre des Marionnettes à Genève (Switzerland).

Creative team
Authors: Olivier Ducas, Mathieu Gosselin et Francis Monty
Directors: Olivier Ducas et Francis Monty
Scenography and objects: Julie Vallée-Léger
Performers: Étienne Blanchette, Mathieu Gosselin et Alexandre Leroux
Assistant directors: Manon Claveau
Sound design: Nicolas Letarte
Lighting design and production management: Clémence Doray
Technical director: Benoit Brodeur
Original idea developed in collaboration with: Denis Athimon et Julien Mellano
– Cochon tapageur for best sound design (at the Carte Prem1ères 2015 Gala des Cochons d’or)
Performance history
Théâtre Aux Écuries (Montréal, Québec)
Festival Les Coups de Théâtre (Montréal, Québec)
Design Francis Gélinas

Press kit (fr) (pdf)
Creative journal (fr)