
Dolls, sizes and hierarchy

All audiences from 12 years-old

> Spectacle disponible en français

> Espectáculo disponible en español

Object theatre short form.

All audiences from 14 years old.

This short form, first creation of Étienne Blanchette, was premiered in June 2011 in the context of the Théâtre de la Pire Espèce’s cabaret L’anatomie de l’objet, traité numéro 2, which was dedicated to the theme of ‘dimensions’. It then started its solo career with a showing at the Festival Les Trois Jours de Casteliers in Montreal in March 2012.

A child questions the hierarchical order of its large family and its own rank in it. How does size influence each role? In this short presentation, a Russian doll is at the same time child, family, path to be taken and obstacle to be overtaken. The story takes shape as the images are created by the arrangement of the Russian dolls.

Creator: Étienne Blanchette
Outside eye: Olivier Ducas

” He demonstrates his train of thought, that he stacks and unstacks, carefully aligns or scatters. What an excellent idea it was to invite this young man to this evening of discoveries.”

– David Lefebvre, montheatre.qc.ca

Design : Laurent Pinabel